About Us

With over a decade of experience, we specialize in building Drupal websites. From the early days of Drupal 5 to the latest release, Drupal 10, our team has the expertise to create robust and scalable websites tailored to your needs. At Sirius Solutions, we go beyond website development. We offer a comprehensive range of services including hosting, maintenance, and support. Our goal is to provide you with a seamless experience from start to finish.

Based in Birmingham, we are proud to serve clients locally and globally. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional service that exceeds your expectations. We believe that quality services should be accessible to all. That's why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of our work. Get outstanding results without breaking the bank.


Our Services

Welcome to Sirius Solutions. We understand that your website is an integral part of your marketing identity and presence. It's your business card, your brochure and the face of your organisation. As one of our customers you will be provided with reasonably priced, high quality, secure solutions to your web design, development and hosting needs.



Our web design solutions offer good value for money without compromise on quality. We have an extensive range of responsive layouts...



We offer efficient, social media management, scheduling daily posts on a variety of platforms.



We offer a selection of state of the art, affordable web hosting packages. That accompany all of our web solutions.

Websites for business

Since 2013 we've built Drupal websites. Starting with Drupal 5 and now the current release Drupal 10. Drupal is a popular and versatile content management system (CMS) that can be used to build a variety of web applications, from blogs and e-commerce sites to social networks and online learning platforms. Drupal offers many benefits for web developers and site owners, such as:

  • A flexible and modular architecture that allows for customization and integration with other tools and services.
  • A large and active community of developers and users who contribute to the development and maintenance of the core software and thousands of modules and themes.
  • Drupal has a modular architecture that allows you to extend its functionality with thousands of modules that provide features such as SEO, social media integration, multimedia, e-commerce, and more.
  • A robust and secure framework that follows the best practices of web development and security, and supports features such as user authentication, access control, caching, performance optimization, and multilingual support.
  • A user-friendly and intuitive interface that enables easy content creation, editing, and management, as well as collaboration and workflow management.
  • Security: Drupal follows best practices for web security and provides regular updates and patches to fix any vulnerabilities. Drupal also has a dedicated security team and a large community of developers who monitor and report any issues.

Drupal is a powerful and reliable CMS that can help you create engaging and dynamic web applications that meet your needs and goals.


  • Optional Features
  • person_pin User Accounts
  • commentsUser Comments
  • list_alt Complex Webforms
  • shopping_cart Shopping Cart
  • attach_money PayPal Buttons
  • analytics Analytics
  • photo_library Image Gallery
  • search Site Search
  • calendar_month Calendar
  • share Social Login
  • backup Site Backup Feature
  • £250.00
  • Up to 3 Pages
  • Content Management
  • Images, Videos, and Media Library
  • Contact Form
  • Maps
  • Spam Prevention
  • Social Share Buttons
  • Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Blocks
  • £350.00
  • 5 Pages
  • Content Management
  • Images, Videos, and Media Library
  • Blog
  • Contact Form
  • Basic Webform
  • Maps
  • Spam Prevention
  • Social Share Buttons
  • Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Blocks
  • from £650.00
  • Up to 10 Pages
  • Content Management
  • Images, Videos, and Media Library
  • Blog
  • Contact Form
  • Basic Webform
  • Maps
  • Spam Prevention
  • Social Share Buttons
  • Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Blocks


Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about our Websites for Business? Our FAQs provide answers to the most common queries. You can also contact our expert support team at any time.

How Long Does It Take To Create A Website?

The length of time it takes to create a fully functional website is based on several factors. Custom design work can take anywhere from 1 - 4 weeks, depending on the complexity of the design and the number of revisions you require. The development phase requires an additional 1 - 6 weeks, depending on the number of pages, and the functionality required. Of course, these are general guidelines, and we will make every effort to meet the timeframe you have in mind.

What Kind Of Technology Do You Support?

We specialise in building sites with the  Drupal Content Management System alongside HTML 5, CSS,  JavaScript  and PHP. Although it's unlikely, if there's something we can't do, we can reach out to our network of partners for additional services (at no additional cost to you).

Can I See My Website While It's In Progress?

Absolutely! In fact, we encourage it. We build your website on our development server and provide you with a username and password so that you can log in and monitor the progress of your site. During this phase, we encourage your feedback if something isn't quite the way you envisioned it or if you've changed your mind. Once your site is ready and you have provided your approval, we release it live on your server and submit your URL to the major search engines.

How Many Changes Can I Make To My Site Without Additional Cost?

We give as much latitude as we possibly can. After you've identified the general format and colour schemes of your preferred design, we'll complete up to 2 rounds of major revisions at no charge. All minor revisions are provided at no charge.

Are Any Other Services Included In Your Web Design And Development Costs?

Yes, our web design and development service include configuration of your email accounts, detailed monthly traffic reports and basic search engine optimization services. Basic SEO includes submission of your site to the major search engines, and the setup of your primary metatag information (Page Title, Description and Keywords). Additionally, your site is built from the ground up with search engine friendly technologies and methods.

I Need Some Changes On My Website Or Template. Do You Provide That Service?

Yes we offer a range of website services packages visit our Website Maintenance page to learn more about what we offer in this area.

Website maintenance


Web site maintenance and updates can be conducted on your existing website as and when required. Updates are usually completed within 48 hours of your request. All maintenance work undertaken is charged at an hourly rate of £36.00, and billed in 20 minute increments. Invoices are issued on the 1st and 15th of the month. Any maintenance requested for completion outside office hours will incur additional charges. If you want something a little different, that's fine too, let us know what you require and we'll provide a bespoke quote tailored to your needs.


Website Maintenance Agreements

Web site maintenance can be very time consuming but is vitally important to the lifespan of the web site. Constantly changing content provides new stimulus for the site visitor, engaging their curiosity and interest" Keeping the web site fresh and update ensures your visitors not only return but recommend your site others. We provide several options for our customers to keep their web site in tip-top condition, update and accurate on a regular basis. Sirius Solutions - providing the web site you want, how you want, when you need it.



Option 1


1 Hour Maintenance per Month

3 Updates per Month



Option 2


3 Hour Maintenance per Month

9 Updates per Month



Option 3


5 Hour Maintenance per Month

15 Updates per Month



Option 4


10 Hour Maintenance per Month

30 Updates per Month




Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about Website Maintenance? Our FAQs provide answers to the most common queries. You can also contact our expert support team at any time.


What Does Each Hour Get Me?

We bill by the hour (in 20 min blocks), a minimum of 1 hour. We log everything in an hour log and bill at the end of the month. We also strictly enforce that all updates under 3 hours require 2 days for completion and updates over 3 hours up to 10 days.

In general, we don't conduct updates sent that day and charge extra for next day rush updates. This serves all our customers well and ensures that those who submit update requests in advance aren't pushed to the back of the queue by last-minute updates from other customers. It pays to be prepared. We endeavour to provide the best service possible for all of our customers and will update your requests as quickly as possible.

This is important to ensure that 'Client's don't wait to send updates the day before they need them, therefore interrupting the design schedule of existing projects. The majority of our 'Client's sites are on CMS systems, so they are able to perform the updates themselves, this is more for the 'Client's who find it difficult or aren't interested or too busy and need something more than a regular update.

What IS Included In The Web Maintenance Agreement?

Provided below are examples of what you could use your update time for. They are examples and as such, you can mix and match as you see fit. All updates and alterations include coding, testing and uploading.

Web site updates include:

  • Text changes- Any text- eg: Posting company news or articles ('Client' supplied text).
  • Adding links to other pages or web sites
  • Set up your email accounts
  • Picture changes- replacing content with new ('Client' supplied images).
  • Graphic changes- replacing content with new ('Client' supplied images).
  • Adding necessary scripts or website applications
  • Creating site back-ups
  • Keep © notice up to date
  • Creation of ads or teasers on the home page (One per month)*
  • Marketing advice and suggestions to encourage visitors to spend more time on the site.
  • If Drupal content management is used
  • Security updates
  • Addition and removal of users to the system
  • Change user details
  • Changing permissions and access


* Please Note! The creation of new graphical artwork such as small ads or retouched photos for use on the web site will be charged at £40.00 per hour. (minimum 1-hour charge- thereafter in 30-minute blocks)

What IS NOT Included In The Web Maintenance Agreement?

Web design maintenance does not include the following:

  • New web pages or template design or redesign of any kind
  • Custom script design
  • Hosting
  • Generation of large scale I full page redesign of adverts or artwork

Examples of what you could have in each hour:

Provided below are examples of what you could use you update time for. They are examples and as such, you can mix and match as you see fit. All updates and alterations include coding, testing and uploading.

Example 1

  • Slot 1 - Image update - photo added to site
  • Slot 2 - Textual update - paragraph or section added
  • Slot 3 - Link change - point to existing pages or external website

Example 2

  • Slot 1 - Site backup
  • Slot 2 - PDF Creation and upload
  • Slot 3 - Link change - point to existing pages or external website

Example 3

  • Change login details 
  • Create teaser
  • Set up email accounts


Website Hosting


Hosting with us is simple and easy whether you want to relax and let us manage your website or take the rains with your own control panel, we've got you covered.


  • £5.95
  • storage 2 GB SSD Storage
  • backupUnmetered Data Transfer
  • table_rows10 SQL databases
  • done1 Click App installer
  • tuneCPanel control Panel
  • securitySSL certificates
  • view_quiltUnlimited websites
  • domainUnlimited subdomains
  • email5 email addresses
  • support_agentDedicated Support
  • £14.95
  • storage 10 GB SSD Storage
  • backupUnmetered Data Transfer
  • table_rows10 SQL databases
  • done1 Click App installer
  • tuneCPanel control Panel
  • securitySSL certificates
  • view_quiltUnlimited websites
  • domainUnlimited subdomains
  • email10 email addresses
  • support_agentDedicated Support
  • £19.99
  • storage 20 GB SSD Storage
  • backupUnmetered Data Transfer
  • table_rows10 SQL databases
  • done1 Click App installer
  • tuneCPanel control Panel
  • securitySSL certificates
  • view_quiltUnlimited websites
  • domainUnlimited subdomains
  • email15 email addresses
  • support_agentDedicated Support
  • £29.99
  • storage 40 GB SSD Storage
  • backupUnmetered Data Transfer
  • table_rowsUnlimited SQL databases
  • done1 Click App installer
  • tuneCPanel control Panel
  • securitySSL certificates
  • view_quiltUnlimited websites
  • domainUnlimited subdomains
  • emailUnlimited email addresses
  • support_agentDedicated Support


Frequently asked questions

Questions about Web Hosting? Our FAQs provide answers to the most common queries. You can also contact our expert support team at any time.

What is Web Hosting?

As the Web Hosting provider, we use data centres housing large numbers of web servers, and provides space for customers to host web projects. This allows us to offer you world-class website performance and availability – and at a fraction of the cost of purchasing and managing servers yourself..

What is shared hosting?

Web Hosting is sometimes known as shared hosting due to the way the platform is divided between users. Multiple websites can be hosted on the same server, each one provided with a portion of the available hardware and network resources.

Can I use my existing domain name?

Yes you can, you just need to transfer it to our server via your DNS settings by setting your name server to ns1.siriussolutions.co.uk & ns2.siriussolutions.co.uk Your domain registrar, (the people you purchased the domain name from) will be able to assist you with this.

How secure is Web Hosting?

Sirius Solutions Web Hosting is built on highly secure technology. Our UK data centres feature advanced security measures, both online and physically, with 24/7 monitoring by expert engineers and ISO 27001 accreditation. All our packages benefit from DDoS protection systems, and all of our packages come with SSL certificate with 256-bit encryption.

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